The Tutankhamun – His Tomb and Treasures exhibition is suitable not only for adult admirers of ancient cultures, but also for children and students, to whom it will bring a lot of knowledge about the ancient civilization of ancient Egypt in the form of an experience. Thanks to the unique method of exposition and the audio guide, which is available for free, young visitors will be literally drawn into the discovery story of archaeologist Howard Carter, who will describe all the exhibits in detail and at the same time in a fun way. The exhibition literally transports its visitors thousands of years in time.
The exhibition will thus become a great addition to the curriculum of history, geography, but also art education and literature, which perfectly captures this period in historical novels such as the Egyptian Sinuhet and others. The exhibition will inspire your students to take an interest in ancient civilizations, archaeology, history, literature and visual arts.
As in previous exhibitions organized by JVS GROUP, here too a unique gallery will be dedicated to the Czech Footprint, here to Czech Egyptology and original Egyptian exhibits from Czech collections.
For small children and first-graders, the exhibition is complemented by a Children's Trail, on which, in a fun way, supplemented by the stamping of secrets, little Mummy will describe the content of each gallery in a simple way. Worksheets are prepared for older pupils and students, which will help to organize and consolidate their knowledge gained at the exhibition.
Price for groups of students -
CZK 190 / student per week
200 CZK / student on the weekend
Open every weekday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m
For every 10 purchased student tickets there is
1 free ticket for teachers.
Groups are admitted to the exhibition at 20-minute intervals.
Groups of more than 35 students will be divided into two smaller groups about 10 minutes apart
The tour of the exhibition lasts about 2 hours.
To receive a discount, a confirmed registration is required at least
2 days before arrival to the email vstupenky@jvsgroup.cz
New study material for download HERE